Friday, October 09, 2009

The world will change.

I have for many years tried to come up with an invention that would enable me to just cebbit. My first invention was a guitar amp modification that housed a retractable patch cord so you'd never loose them called the "Chord Keeper"; oddly or coincidentally enough 10 weeks after I tried to patten it there was a commercial out for a hair dryer that used the same methodology.

I have now come up with an invention, more of a modification to an existing product that I would assume sell 10's of millions annually. The idea came to me one day out to sea when we were having a problem with something for months multiple times daily and it dawned on me, I know a way we can fix this and said none properly functioning item will never need to be fixed or replaced ever again. EVER AGAIN. THIS WILL NEVER BREAK. THE WORLD WILL END BEFORE THIS NEEDS YOUR ATTENTION!

I cannot say what this invention is. But i can say nothing even close to what it does exists which kind of amazes me...maybe being at sea is a good place to spawn creativity because of the routine and constant isolation. May be.

I have created conceptual drawings of this invention. The great thing about it really is that it will sell for between $10-$15 and I can do my own infomercial and i will sell a fucking shit ton of these things!!! Seriously. This is no hoax. This is a contraption that will be as common in households as a coffee maker. I would dare say this could be something deluxe in a way so epic it would make many people very happy.

I will keep the world in darkness about what this involves as it would be scooped up like a field mouse on a lobster boat. Print this blog page and I will give you one for free if you are among the first 10 as I assume 10,000,000 or more people will read this blog once the contraption his the world market. I hope to make $3 off each one and sell 10,000,000 units. Really I feel this is doable.

Sometimes I think this is just crazy but everyday that I don't have one of these and I observe certain instances that could use one I realize that I may have just come up with the new sliced bread.

Wish me luck. There could be some fun days ahead.



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