a quest
A friend of mine has told me there's a spot in Hali which sells a 42" pie. That is pretty hellish sounding if you ask me. I'm going on a quest for this very pie Saturday as well as going to a most excellent bar to hear what will prove to be an amazing show (www.wintersleep.com). I'm just really thinking a lot about this pie situation. Dubbing the chee on a pie such as this and adding ample amounts of pep, bac, and mush would be the the very brew needed for a G-hawd to take place later in the evning; not only would it be a G-hawd, it would be a G-hawd to the maw fawin yea. One other though I had was thinking about the possibility of creating a 42" grill chee; I think I may actually do that..I'll post a pic of this chee once I've grilled it. IN closing there was a riot at a bar in Freddy this past weekend and it was started by a man wearing a jimEceb t shirt. The only way I can explain that is to say that it is to the up most maw fawin aww yea.