Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Smokey the chee

So I'm pretty sure it would be in my best interest to quit the cigars for a while. The other nie some friends and I ordered a hella pie. Equipped with dub chee, pep, bac, mush, and 4 done sauces, we also requested g but on the pie (garlic butter) as it adds a new element of yea to an already maw fawin aww yea. We opened the pie and my immeataite reactsh was "What the chee!?!?!?"...we came to realize quickly that our chee was not dubbed. Our chee was not fucking dubbed...the reciept said "DUB CHee" (that's not a typo. most pie places write small e's, but the 'C', 'H', and 'DUB' are all capped) This in my books was an unmittigated calam. One of my comrads called the pie estab and told the guy: "you didn't dub our chee" to which he was told "we can't put a half box of chee on the pie!, that's our dub chee"..I yelled in the background.."tell him we want our dub chee"...anyway I think it's a bad idea to order too large of a pie with dub chee at some establishments. You often can run into the risk of getting cheed off. It's just that dub chee looks like a fuck load of chee on an 18" pie and so the maker, if he's not into the dirty pie (which is deluxe pie) will be scared to truly dub the chee. His question then becomes. To chee, or not to chee? I would always say chee man, if in doubt chee...cause when the going gets chee, the chee gets goin.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

The kern visits dwontown Halifax (notice the bridge in the background)

This image incorporates a painting I did of Halifax NS with the MacKay bridge in the background and a figure I have of Kern Sands. My objective of this piece is to display how beautiful landscapes and city-scapes are being littered with eye pollution.

New blog

Just sorta bloggin it I guess. Gotta jim an exam tomorrow for a ceb I’m really not too excited about. One of those mandatary cebs you have to jim for program reqs. I haven’t been able to fall asleep until 4am or so for the past 10 days or two weeks so it should make for a swell night and exam tomorrow... I've started taking photos for the sake of creativity rather than memories. Some photographs I will reproduce large scale and some I will paint large scale. Look forward to cebbing home Friday for the holidays. Should be some great times.